I keep hearing all these politicians of every stripe referring to 'the rich' and 'the wealthy' as the current boogieman.
This has been chasing its tail all over the back of mind, until I realized a probable conclusion.
Premise: all politicians want power over their 'constituents' (read "subjects.")
Premise: Politics is just 'war' by 'civil' means.
Therefore to marshal those over whom they hold sway to move against those they do not yet hold sway over, politicians need to incite their constituents into class warfare to subjugate those not yet in thrall.
In this case, 'the rich' and 'the wealthy' are not in thrall.
Who is in the politicians thrall?
All those who are dependent on and draw some kind of Government Check.
1) At the lowest social strata are those on the dole: The Welfare Recipient, and the Social Security Recipient. These are 'the poor.' So long as they vote correctly, they don't have to produce anything, except more recipients.
2) On the second rung of the social caste are those serving in the military. These are talked about as little as possible. Their only job, so far as the politicians are concerned, is to create a need for government spending of money.
3) Next are the salaried employees.These are the workers in the departments and bureaucracy's. These are the working serfs of this feudal caste system. Get into the right department and you can get a social promotion out of the serfs to the gentry; say working in the State Department, or as a Diplomat, or a Special Agent.
4) The Nobility Caste are the Appointed employees of the government. These people are unelected, so they don't have to worry about placating the unwashed masses. The washed masses work for them, in the departments and bureau's.
4A) Tenured Academics (particularly in 'The Ivy League') are part of the Gentry, and all have hopes of moving up to the Nobility at some point in their career.
5) The Aristocracy Caste are the Elected Officials. These have to placate the unwashed masses, and are at most risk, but also get the best rewards from the lobbyists and each other.
5A) State Level Elected Officials are not quite Aristocracy, but a bit higher than Nobility, depending on the State.
None of these are EVER in the target groups of 'the rich' or 'the wealthy.'
Regardless of how much you actually earn, after your assortment of taxes, penalty's, fees, levies, or what have you: If you make a sufficient amount that you can support your family and get by without receiving a Government check, You Are The Rich, regardless of the actual dollar value. It you employ people without Government help, You Are The Wealthy.
To repeat myself for clarity:
If you make a sufficient amount of income, regardless of how much that actually is, that you can support your family and get by without receiving Government Assistance - You Are The Rich.
It you employ people without Government Assistance - You Are The Wealthy.
It's Morton's Fork,applied by those whose God is Government, whose religion is collectivism, and whose priesthood is getting elected, and whose sacrament is paying taxes.
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