Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The problems many have today appear to me as follows:
‘Religion’ was once the part of society concerned with answering the questions of the soul. The fundamentals were first learned at the knees of the parents, in the same manor as all other important fundamental knowledge and skills. From there teachers from among the community taught the advanced knowledge, and where to go to find out about the specialized questions as each individual desired to answer or have answered.

Evil seeks diligently to destroy both the institutions of Family and Religion, and replace these with itself if anything at all, today usually in the form of Government.

Religion is attacked by internally damaging the true teachings it has, and then exposing or replacing them, thereby destroying confidence in religious teaching in general. Religious Organizations are attacked in the same way that all organizations are: by getting and then exposing people within the structure who are more concerned with their own power and prosperity than the message and goals of the organizations, thereby destroying confidence in said organizations.

Family is attacked by destroying support for its natural form, one man and one woman being married and parents to the children in their care, and replacing this with any and every other idea evil can concoct. In the USA this has been partially accomplished by, but not limited to, replacing Fathers and Husbands with the Welfare State; and now by attacking traditional and historic societal definitions of marriage, and personally attacking the personal morality of the defenders of traditional morality.

The point of this monologue:
Religion is supposed to teach the answers to the questions of the soul. But confidence in religion has been shattered over the last several generations, and the answers that are given by most religions today are not trusted, if not completely discarded.
Traditional Religion having proven inadequate, answers are looked for in ‘Science.’ But the answers cannot be found there, or they would have by now.

Family is supposed to lay the foundations that Religion should build on, but families have also been shattered and the heads of many families today rejected the answers to these questions they were given by their parents, or were never given answers to begin with, and do not have satisfactory answers of themselves to give to their offspring.

I submit this is why so many people cannot answer these questions.

Solution: Find True Religion that evil has not and cannot corrupt. True Religion does and will answer questions of the soul. What answers it cannot provide, it is honest about not being able to.

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