Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Book Cover Ideas.

About time I actually put some doodles on this.

Here are some ideas for the cover of a book I am working on. I am trying to decide which would be best. None of these are remotely final. I am just trying to throw stuff up and see what sticks. The font is not fixed.
Another ideas involves a star field. The story happens on a different planet form Earth, though part of the story does happen here.  #5
Still other idea that I have not yet sorted out is using the text as a mask between the star field and the hills on the horizon. for that I would like a larger, block font to use for the mask.
Other ideas also include stills of some of the settings, or scenes from the text. or a blank field with a symbol of some kind with the title and by-line grouped together or at opposing positions.
Hopefully without being too pretentious, it is book 1 of several. That is how writing the story has gone.
The story these are cover options for is found here:

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