Wednesday, February 29, 2012

how's that change working out for you?

Since I last entered things here:
I have had a birthday.

I have received a few more job-rejections. It seams that when I can finally find somewhere to apply, I  am immediately turned down, being either over or under qualified.

I appreciate the efforts of others who occasionally make efforts to help me find a job, but they have all come to naught so far.
It seems that the jobs I could do on the skills I have had for the last decade and more on my first degree do not want to hire me because I am a flight risk: I have spent the last five years getting a degree that will allow me to share information through the audio/visual mediums, instead of the engineering and mechanical design ones.
The jobs I could do on the skills I have spent the last five years learning and developing do not want me because I am too inexperienced for my age.

I do not fit into their networks.

I have friends that say I need to find I job that I enjoy enough to do that will pay me enough to do the things I really want away from work.

Well: tell you what: is there an editor or proof reader for a publisher that is willing to look at my stuff and point me in the right directions?

I am of the opinion that there are three things people can do to help me:
1) pay enough attention to politics to vote out the corrupt, cronie-ists, and collectivists, from every office you can vote them out of, and put in people who will continue to weed out these from the appointed and bureaucratic offices, and get the government out of the way of the economy and freedom.
2) give me positive reinforcement and let me know where I can go use my skills to support myself, while increasing the value of the world around me. I.e. where to I find a job where people are willing to work with me and pay me, that is of value?
3) IF YOU ARE EITHER A CORRUPT, CRONIEST, OR COLLECTIVIST: START PAYING MY BILLS FOR ME. Sallie Mae keeps pestering me for money I need to pay, that I can't start earning to pay to them until I get a job.

If you can't do any of these, wait and the time will come that you can to the first.

Am I bitter, much?   nah, of course not...
At least I still have a place to live and family to live with, even if it is in my parents guest room.

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