Thursday, August 29, 2013

Can we get an adult in charge please?

The current international goings on are being handled by the current presidency in the same way that the domestic stuff is:
He calls for his preferred deliberative body to agree with him. When they don’t agree with him, he goes around them pronouncing them useless, and expands his unconstitutional imperial power.

The president said things that have now backed him into a corner. So he must act in a way he does not want to.
Personally I think it is time some adults stood up and told this spoiled little boy to go sit in a corner while adults clean up the mess he has made.
Problem is he has surrounded himself with yes-men and juveniles of like minded ideology.

I hear people on some radio shows talking about this being the end of days. But I think they miss two points.
a) The two witnesses in Jerusalem, as in Revelation and Isaiah. They are not yet in place, or the world would know about it. In tangent, admittedly the battle of Megiddo is not happening yet, either. Until they show up the world is on at least a three and a half year plus clock.
b) The gospel preached to all nations. There are some nations now where it is illegal to preach anything but the gospel of Muhammad.
The fulfillment of this one may be accounted for in a historic manor or here and now. But this depends on the answer to two questions:
-Is priesthood authority necessary to perform the ordinances of salvation?
-Where is it/who has it?
This is structured thus:
Q1 – “no” –go to Protestants.
“Yes” feed forward to Q2.
Q2 – “Maintained in the church for the last near 2000 years” – go to catholic, or orthodox of whatever stripe.
“Lost by historic church, need restoration from heaven.” – go to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

God is not the author of confusion, therefore the myriad of churches claiming to be his one true church cannot be by God’s doing, but by man or the devil.
So fulfillment of ‘all nations’: if historic, then the requirements for many of the now Islamic nations was met by the church in the centuries before Islam rose to prominence.
If current fulfillment, then there are many nations that need to allow the gospel of Jesus Christ to be preached in their nations.
In short there are many years yet to go. The sky is not falling yet, but 'Noah is building that ark, so watch out for rain.'

It appears to me that according to the current ideology in the government 100% employment will be when everyone receives a government check.

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