Friday, January 18, 2013

a couple of random thoughts

I was riding my bike home from my part-time under-employment, when the thought came: "Who is being groomed to succeed President Obama?"
This stems partly from a Sunday Dinner conversation some weeks back. In summary the last Vice President who could have been elected President was. That was President G.H.W.Bush, succeeding President Reagan. Since then, we had:
D.Quayle: vilified as an idiot and a joke by the media
Algore: has repeatedly proven his inadequacies
R. "Darth" Cheney: scared the political left silly
Joebiden: almost the joke that Quayle was, at least in his public speaking
Everyone of these Vice Presidents could use the Secret Service code name of 'Assassination Insurance.'

So who is being groomed in the wings? Or has this setup of passing the Presidential office from party to party been deliberately set up by the-powers-what-are-behind-the-scenes?

Maybe that is one more reason why Mitt Romney lost this time around: he is not a political hack and might have actually fixed some things.

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I recently asked the question to myself: what one law could have been suggested to the Biden Meetings about guns that would actually be effective to stop mass shootings?
The lunatics who do these things are already in violation of numerous social and natural laws, so trying to put another in place to stop the criminal through control of weapon availability is not going to work.
I read Ann Coulter's latest article and the answer came to me: make it easier to commit lunatics to asylums: most of the mass shootings are committed by lunatics, who show some history of being such, but have been shuffled off onto someone else in society because it was not an option to have then committed and placed where they could avoid doing harm to others.

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The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States:
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

What do I think it is for?
The Second Amendment protects the power of the people from the government. The Constitution is the People giving the Government authority, thus creating a constitutional republic. Those who want a 'more proactive constitution where it tells what the government will do for the people' want to change this, and they call it a democracy. I suggest finding out what Aristotle had to say is the difference between a 'republic' and a 'democracy.'

In short the second amendment protects the peoples right to take arms against Tyrants, and those who support them. It protects the peoples right to choose what form of government they will countenance.
Power to the people.

Thus the type of weapon it protects is that kind of arm that the militia will need to use to combat the armies of the tyrants.
Small arms: pistols, knives, other single hand weapons. . .
Long arms: rifles , bows, swords, other multi-hand weapons. . .
Crew served weapons: cannon, machine guns, catapults. . .

Do I need or want to keep a hand grenade in my house? No. Most rational people will not argue with regulation infernal devices, and keeping the military grade devices at the military arsenal.
The same argument for cannon, tanks, crew-served weapons, ICBM's or any of the other military class/grade weapons is valid: let them stay on the military reservation, and in the care of the military loyal to the people it is to defend, rather than the person giving the orders to attack and oppress the people.

To reiterate after venting and wandering across this field of ideas:
1) by natural law power flows from the people to the government.
2) the constitution limits what the government may do.
3) the militia is the first line of defense for the community against:
Tyrants: those who seek to enforce their will, in violation of natural law, upon my freedom, my society, my family, my neighbors, etc.
Predators: those who seek to enforce their unlawful will upon my person, and family.
Varmints: those who seek to enforce their unlawful will upon my property.

A militia was essentially a posse of local citizens organized for the protection of the community at large, usually comprised of every able-bodied adult male not in his gentrification. I.E, the boys not yet responsible enough to serve and the old men considered too old to mobilize quickly were excused.

As an aside, I once was taught in a history class that the Roman Legions (100 men) would have the oldest-ready-to-retire stand at the back lines, with the youngest-first-years mixed among them. That way, the youngest would be buttressed in their not panicking by the oldest Vets. and the old hands could show the know-it-all youngsters how its really done.

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