"Those darn Conservatives and their Judo-Christian God. If it weren't for them, we could have compelled the world to Utopia already."
Another happening that the Political Wing of society is trying to exploit to expand the power of their idolatry.
To wit: Some lunatic exploits the rights that the rest of us also enjoy, arms and armors himself, and goes to a mass gathering and starts killing his fellow man.
Cue the pundits, and usual suspects clamoring that those rights need to be curtailed for the safety of the ninnies.
The real solution is not more regulation and government intervention.
The Real Solution includes but is not limited to:
- one part "Teach people correct principles and let them govern themselves"
- one part "He governs best who governs least"
- one part 'Those who choose security over liberty do not have or deserve either.'
Teach people correct principles and let them govern themselves:
Ethics (behavior within the group) vs. Morals (behavior on ones own) was the argument I remember hearing: the Left are more worried about Ethics, and the Right more worried about Morals. However the conclusion I remember reaching was that Morals informed Ethics. Morals are taught and informed by Religion.
Preach to them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. "Thou shalt love the Lord Thy
God with all thy heart, might, mind and strength. Thou shalt love thy
neighbor as thy self." "Do unto others as you would have them do unto
Can anybody argue against these principles as sources of good morals, and thereby good ethics?
Yet those who ascribe to the idolatry of government rejected their forefathers religions.
He governs best who governs least:
"Stay out of my bedroom." "It's a child, not a 'choice'." "Get off my land." "There ought to be a law."
"Someone ought to do something."
Well, yeah. Someone should: the best someone is Parents. Teach them right when young, and when old they will not depart from that right behavior. Set a few rules, including punishments, and them enforce them. Explain as simply as necessary. Keep them easily understandable, and the punishment relates to the rule. Pain is a very good deterrent: 'That is hot - Don't touch it.'
Those who choose security over liberty do not have or deserve either:
Liberty is that general condition where people are able to chose for themselves how they will go about their existence. Security is that general condition where people are constrained and limited in their choices.
This argument, particularly where religion is concerned, often comes down to whether Obedience to Principles is restraining from enjoyable, or constraining from danger.
I submit that the difference generally amounts to willing faith and growing comprehension, vs unwillingness and no comprehension. "Tell me 'why'." "You will learn and comprehend 'why' more as you mature." "I want to know now." "Fine. Touch it and learn for yourself."
A 'Utopian Society' that collectivists apparently want to enforce upon the rest of the world is a perversion of that society that God would really like the world to live in: all are free, all are well taught and productive according to their expanding abilities, all are appreciated, the lion lays down with the lamb, swords are turned to plowshares and spears to pruning hooks, no poor among them, etc.
Some understand the passages about the City of Enoch prior to the flood, from Genesis, as that those people in the 365 years that that city stood on this earth accomplished such a society.
Further in the New Testament, particularly Acts of the Apostles, it talks about the church members putting all their goods into a common stock where upon all were able to draw from, and by this procedure everyone in the participating community had their needs taken care of, and there were no poor among them.
But there is one basic operating principle difference between the societies here described, and what the collectivists of today seek for. That is the Freedom to Choose to participate.
People are ennobled into such a society as this by exercise of their choices. They cannot be compelled into such ennobling by any external force.
Government can not and ought not compel people to be good. People must choose it for themselves. Thus a utopia cannot be constructed by any kind of compulsion, but only by the choice of the individuals.
There is one way and one way only to cause a lasting change in a person: they choose by their own will to conform themselves to true principles, as they understand them, and then exercise that choice. Expand their understanding of true principles, and they will choose to follow of themselves. There is no other lasting way.
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