Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Portfolio/Bio update

I have updated my Bio-page on my portfolio page. the following is part of what is there now.

Employment Bio: 
Mark is able to do many things from industrial design, architectural pre-visualization, CAD drafting, to graphic design, and some basic cartography.
 Of late, Mark has been volunteering at the Salt Lake County Library two days a week, filing books on hold for customers, and doing whatever else he is asked.
 Also he has spent time writing, drawing, and playing with some 3D modeling. As yet only some of the writing is posted, at the Jots and Doodles, From My Keyboard, and Caspian and Karen blogs on the link page.
 In the Fall and Winder of 2011, Mark has worked irregular-part time for a local Irrigation Canal Company. Part of this time Mark is in the field working with the Water Master cleaning the easements around the canal, and conducting a Video Survey of the length of it. The rest of the time Mark is. Further plans are to map the individual laterals, but this has been put off for later in the off-season. In doing this, the Canal Company lists have been compared to the County Assessor records, establishing where discrepancies exist, and such have been reported to the Canal Company Board.
 Mark worked as an Election Judge/Poll Worker for the 2010 Election Early Voting, for Salt Lake County. He was posted at the University of Utah voting station.
 Mark wanted to learn more of writing and telling stories and get additional software skills, so while attending school for Media Arts and Animation Mark worked as a HVAC CAD Drafter and Designer working on both Commercial and Residential system designs. Mark also worked for a short time as an assistant to a Commercial Real Estate Agent, doing all manor of office work.
 Before returning to school for a second degree, Mark worked as a CAD Drafter and Designer for Cryogenic Liquid Cargo Pumps.

Formal Education:
BS in Media Arts and Animation - The Art Institute of Las Vegas, Henderson, Nevada
BAS in Industrial Design - ITT Technical Institute, Salt Lake City, Utah
AAS in Computer Aided Drafting - ITT Technical Institute, Salt Lake City, Utah
Software and Skills:
High Enthusiasm, Low Experience (few years to months)
3D Modeling                                                   Basic First Aid
 Hard Modeling (Make it functional)              CPR
3D Animation
                                                                         Rock Climbing/Rappelling
Script Writing                                                  Basic Animal Husbandry
Script Editing                                                   Basic Farming
Story Writing
Story Editing                                                    Read and Study (Academic)
                                                                          Article/Paper Writing
Drawing:                                                           Article/Paper Editing
 Story Boarding                                                 U.S. History
 Drawing Figures                                               Art, Design
 Prop Design                                                      Social Principles
                                                                           Metal Work (Academic)
General Photography                                          Foundry
Physical Survey                                                  Blacksmithing
 Measure and record/draw structures and objects   Weapon-smithing
Motorcycle Riding                                              U.S. Infantry – Basic Theory
Pickup Truck with load                                       Light Weapon
Truck with Hitch Trailer
Load Organization
Heavy Furniture Movement

Medium Enthusiasm, High Experience (many years)
Computer Aided Drafting                                 Employee Training
 (multiple 2D platforms)                                    CAD Training/Related
 Some Advanced AutoCAD                              Presentation
CAD Drafting Discipline: Mechanical
 Design – Cryogenic Pump and System            Business Machine Maintenance
 Geometric Tolerancing                                      Plotter
CAD Drafting Discipline: HVAC                      Blue Line
 Design – Industrial                                            Copy Machine
 Design – Residential                                         Computer
                                                                             Trouble shooting
MS-Word                                                             Networking
Excel                                                                    Assembly
Adobe Reader/Writer                
                                                                           Automobile Driving – sedan/coupe
Project Management
 Minor Crisis Management

Read and Study
 History – General, World
Basic Civics

High Enthusiasm, High Experience (many years)
Reading                                                           General Horse Husbandry
Writing                                                             Horse Handling
Drawing: General sketching                            Horse Riding
Design Principles                                             Hay Stacking
Telling Stories                                                Cat/Dog care

Automobile Driving                                       Camping
Manual + Automatic                                      Hiking
                                                                       General Firearm Care/Safety
Read and Study
 Book of Mormon
 Holy Bible
 Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
 Pearl of Great Price
 LDS Gospel/Theology, Church History, Ordinance Administration

Medium Enthusiasm, Low Experience (few years to months)
Genealogy                                                       Computer Paint
CAD Drafting Discipline: Architecture          After Effects

Drawing:                                                         Plastic Model Building
 Traditional Animation
 Character Design                                           ‘Shade Tree’ Auto Mechanics

3D Modeling                                                  Single Color Silk Screen
 Basic Camera
 Lighting                                                         Basic Spanish
 Rigging                                                           Grammar/Vocabulary

Backpack / briefcase QC

Low Enthusiasm, High Experience (many years)
Data Processing                                              General Labor
Data Entry                                                       Dig, Cut, Stack, Burn
                                                                        Yard Tool, Yard Equipment use
Read and Study
 Math – up to Pre-Calculus, especially Geometry

News Paper delivery

Low Enthusiasm, Low Experience (few years to months)
Drawing:                                                         Book Keeping – 10 Key
 Still Life                                                         Account Reconciliation
 Rendering                                                       Order Desk
 Perspective                                                     Election Judge
 Life Drawing                                                  Voting Booth/Station management
                                                                        Commercial Driving
3D Modeling                                                   Up to 2-ton
 Textures (Make it look pretty)
Inventor                                                           Basic Commercial Real Estate Sales
Flash                                                                 Contracts
Illustrator                                                          Property Evaluation
Power Point                                                      County Assessor Websites
Final Cut
Pro Tools                                                         Janitorial
 Basic Sound Design                                        Vacuum/mopping
Quark                                                                Dusting
 Desk Top Publishing                                       Trash removal
Google Sketch UP                                            Floor Wax stripping/replacement
                                                                          Floor buffer
ArcGIS mapping Program                               Other general cleanup
                                                                        Fish Tank Care
CAD Drafting Discipline:
 Process Piping                                               Basic Concrete Cutting Theory
 Civil                                                               Basic Electronics
Industrial / Product Design                             Door to Door Canvassing
                                                                        Public Speaking

This list comes from an exercise that I did from the "What Color is Your Parachute" book. Perhaps it is information overload, but it shows what I can do, and how enthusiastic about it I am.
I realize that my high enthusiasm is not for things that make me any money, yet, if at all. Not specifically.
I ordered a refurbished laptop online, for myself for Christmas. I hope to use it well.
I have been working on compiling a submission-draft of the first Caspian & Karen story the last few days. I am wondering how much of it to post, and how much other writing to post.

In my 3D modeling lately, I have been thinking of some space-ships lately. These are just bruit constructs, with no streamlining. They are not atmospheric craft, they don't need it, and the cube is the best general shape to use. I have two more ideas to toss together, and then see about where to take them from there.

Last week I attended a Naturalization Ceremony. I was very impressed by it, and wish that attending one was somehow required by every high school civics course.
I also had the wonder whether any of the OWS-useful idiots had any clue of what is truly required of a citizen, and whether they would be willing to comply.

On the other hand, building on the ideas of John Locke, and government deriving power from the consent of the governed, I suppose the OWS-useful idiots would say the government has no power as they do not consent to it.
In one way I agree with then: I think we should vote out every incumbent, fire every bureaucrat, and be rid of every appointed government official who is of a collectivist, or croniest, or corrupt stripe, irrespective of party. Throw them all out, and revoke their pensions.

I wonder, is the government-worker labor union (or any labor union) just a money laundering operation for the political parties?

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