MITT for President!
Coulter for President!
Jeb for
Mark Levin for
Sarah Palin for President!
Hillary for Emperor!
JoeBiden for Gaffer-in-Chief!
Paul for President!
Bo Grites for
What I really want from the political class is a year of
silence about ANYBODY running for President. If they really want my vote, let
them shut up about elections, and go out and sell the ideas.
Ronald Reagan spent years going around the country talking to and
with the people about ideas and listening to what the people wanted. The current political class
lectures the people about what should be done and how the politicians are the
ones to do it.
What I see is a Cult of Personality doing its best to get me
to worship at its altar.
What I want is a Cult of Ideas doing its best to sell itself
to me.
So shut up about “I’m running for President” and start
talking about the ideas you want to implement, and listen to the ideas the
people want implemented. Figure out how to reconcile the two and talk about how anyone can do it.
Unfortunately this appears to be a pipe dream.
MITT: I agree with your Wife: DON’T RUN!
JEB: listen to your Mother: DON’T RUN!