I recently heard a discussion about there being Three Levels
of Law:
- God – Natural Law
- Family – Husband and Wife, Parent and child
- Community – Neighborhood, Town, Nation
Other subsequent things I listened to discussed how a community is bound together by its Rites. It got me thinking about how Rites teach what a persons
Rights are. The following is what assembled itself in my mind:
- Rites of God –
Natural Law:
1. Faith in the moral behavior of
things. The assurance of past experience that things will do as they have done.
2. Repentance of own short comings
3. Forgiveness of others shortcomings
Rites of Revealed Religion – How to
connect to God
- Obedience to God’s revealed commandments(See Samuel to Saul, 1 Sam 5: 22)
- Sacrifice of my will to do God’s will (Matt 6: 10)
- Baptism – Ritual Cleansing (No unclean thing can enter in the presence of God)
- Confirmation (Acts 19: 1-6)
- Sacrament of the Lords Supper – Weekly renewal of Baptismal Covenant
- Ordination to Priesthood – power to Serve Others (Acts 6: 1-4, Rev 5: 10))
- Endowment with Power – power to become “at one” with God (Matt 5: 48)
- Marriage – Formation of Family by Covenant (Gen 2: 24; 1 Cor 6:16, 7:2)
- Rites of Family – Honor Father and Mother, Cleave unto
a. Birth
b. Adoption
Nurture and instruction of growing children
Moving out on own, provide for self
Establish Household with Spouse
Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual Intimacy
with Spouse. – Becoming “at one”
Division of Labor as Equal Partners
- Rites of Community
Sovereign Franchise – The Vote
Serve on a Jury
Serve on the Militia
Take Turn in Public Office
Own/Poses/Steward property
This is not trying to be a comprehensively exhaustive list.
I see this order being turned inside out by the Progressive
God and Natural Law becomes Government is god (Idolatry)
“You didn’t build
that.”(also the first and second laws of bureaucracy). . .
Family becomes Community (Love makes a ‘family’, not
Gangs, Things are
more important than people. . .
Community becomes Your Group (demographic division)
‘From each according
to their means to each according to their needs.”
In all the U.S Government scandals and hubbub going on, I doubt there will
ever be shown to be a specific trail of conspiracy in the current batch.
Rather what is going on is a Conspiracy of Ideology, which is becoming a holy war against the classical society. We have a big-government-bureaucracy
full of like thinking people who are completely willing to ignore existing law,
to do what they think should be done.
Many failed to change the system from the outside in the Sixties
so they put on camouflage and went into the system and once they got into positions
of power they are now seeking to effect the changes from within.
They ignore existing law. They only enforce such as they
chose to. They reject classical morality and do note even instruct it.
I see that the Democrat Party is reliving the 1930's to 1940's. The Progressives there are doing all they can to insure that they remain in political power for another generation, with the opposition party reduced to impotence and destroyed into obscurity.
I see that the Republican Party is reliving the 1970's. The Progressives there are doing all they can to reduce the power and influence of the Conservatives and Constitutionalists. They are content to live in the obscurity of being the opposition party.
I see that the Democrat Party is reliving the 1930's to 1940's. The Progressives there are doing all they can to insure that they remain in political power for another generation, with the opposition party reduced to impotence and destroyed into obscurity.
I see that the Republican Party is reliving the 1970's. The Progressives there are doing all they can to reduce the power and influence of the Conservatives and Constitutionalists. They are content to live in the obscurity of being the opposition party.
When the revolution started, they seized the telegraph office,
the schools, and the presses.
That is where the counter revolution needs to be originated from.
Including, but not limited to Sunday Schools, Home Schooling, and Desktop Publishing.
Perception drives reality. Control Perception, and you
control reality.
Control Perception by controlling Information.
Control Information by the Media, the Education and
Communication Systems.
God controls Information by dispensing it to everyone, as they choose to receive.
He teaches correct principles, and allows us to choose for
As we receive, abide and obey true principles, we perceive reality
by those correct principles. Thus the rites, and rights.