Monday, December 17, 2012

On gun control

It is my opinion that:
 those who clamor for 'More government control and regulation' of anything, the topic du jour being fire arms, those who clamor are those with no faith in the goodness of their fellow man, and no faith in the self control and moral uprightness of individuals.

Their projection: "I don't have any, why should I expect anybody else to? People need someone to tell them what to do."

Well, yes, and no.

Yes, people need to have boundaries: these are what proper parenting will teach. Once parents have taught correct principles, than the children will grow in adherence to these principles into proper adults.

No, a govenrment is not the right organization to instill these boundaries and correct principles.

The problem is not a proliferation of a given type of material object, like firearms. The problem is an ideological abdication of responsibility and rejection of certain authorities in favor or others.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Here we go again: another lunatic shooting

I do grieve for the families who have lost the presence of their loves ones, children and adults: I am comforted in the knowledge and testimony from the Gospel of Jesus Christ that these little children are in the arms of God, and that in His mercy there is still an opportunity for these families to be reunited; that the sad and confused boy who accomplished this evil is now where he can, if he is willing, begin to work through his issues without the confusion caused by a potentially malfunctioning body.
That said:
It seems to me that some common threads on this sort of happening are:



To the first: more people need to learn and apply the Gospel of Jesus Christ in its Restored Fullness. Also people need to listen better to people like this who are crying out for help, whether in their isolation or accomplished counseling.

To the second: the media needs to stop crowing about who does this, to stop making idols and whipping boys of the methods and costumes and weapons that are more and more often used in these activities. Stop aggrandizing them.
Now the aftermath:

The High Priest of the God of Government threw a press conference and cried while ‘leading the country in mourning.’

Err… sorry, The Presid… Sorry again, nobody uses that title for him.

OBAMA made a statement and showed solidarity with the countries confusion and grief.
The pundits are espousing the psychobabble of the secular who are seeking to ‘make sense’ of what has happened.

If they understood the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they would understand that people are free to choose for themselves, and some times they choose evil. GOD who made them in HIS image will be just and merciful to them in HIS time and place, giving them time to repent and make amends.
Of us it is not commanded to understand, but is commanded to forgive: to forgive and love the sinner, and to hate the sin and leave its just recompense to Just Laws, and when they fail to leave it to GOD.
The usual suspects are crowing for more gun control, pointing out gleefully about the make of the guns that accomplished this deed.
Of course if the guy who did this had been captive within an SUV as it drove through the school running down its victims, would these same pundits be calling for car control?
Would we be hearing all about the make and model of the villainous SUV?
How we need to be removing these dangerous SUV’s from the streets?

How about his clothes: what brand of shoes was he wearing? Might that have lead to this? Maybe we need shoe control?

You want a dialogue on ‘gun control’?
My starting points:
0-Remove all ‘Gun Free Zones’ from public property.
0a-Where Public Property Security Cordons are established, simply have all weapons that pass through be checked for being properly and safely carried.
1-Cause all willing citizens to openly carry their weapon(s) of choice where ever they want, dependent on whether they have properly discharged their rite of serving on a Jury, criminal record, and limited only by private property owners.
1a-Require all teachers to be armed and certified by local law enforcement in their competence.
2-Allow all willing resident aliens to apply for the same.
3-Cause immediate confinement for being an invading combatant for any illegal alien found possessing a weapon.

That is my opening position. If I were going to engage in the same style of dialogue as the current regime in the White House, that would be my final position.